Monday, September 8, 2014

Verse for the Day, 8 September 2014.

Exodus 20:16  "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.”

“Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?” We are all familiar with this oath, yet it comes to us as no surprise that when people have taken such an oath, they proceed to lie and give a false testimony, witness. In these days truthfulness, honesty and integrity seems to be in short-supply.

Why did God give this commandment?
We shall look at three reasons.

God gives this commandment because God is a God of truth, He loves the truth, and therefore desires us to not only love the truth, but also to be truthful. I do not believe that we could grasp, fathom, the deep sorrow and pain that God must have felt, when Adam and Eve lied so boldly to His very face. They stood before Him, who is Truth and even still they lied. We were not created to lie, especially to lie to God, but also to lie to each other. We were created in God’s image, and therefore like God we were created as those who should love and prize the truth. This is still evident in our lives today, despite the fact that we are stained by sin. Every time we speak to a person we are assuming that they are telling us the truth, we don’t just assume it, we expect it! We feel deeply offended, grieved, hurt and angry when we discover that we have been lied to, or lied about. Thus we love, value and expect the truth, and we do so because we are created in the image of God who is Truth and is only ever truthful.

On a practical note, God gives this command to ensure the justice is established, upheld and served. As the nation of Israel is established, God’s desire is that it be a nation established on truth, justice and righteousness. When matters are brought before a judge, or a court, God’s desire is that the witnesses called are truthful, even if it is to their own hurt. It is tragic how often people will bring false accusations, cases against others in their spite or hate of a person, or how in a person will give false testimony either to protect themselves, or to ensure that a person is found guilty and condemned. We need only think of the trial of Christ, where by the Jewish religious authorities were so eager to condemn Jesus that they brought in people to give a false testimony. God desires for His people, His nation to be different, to stand out from the nations around them, as a nation that loves, prizes and upholds the truth, ensuring that justice is served.

This is a commandment of life and love. God wants us to be truthful with each other, as Jesus expresses it, our yes is to be yes, and our no to be no. We should not lie to each other, we should not in hate for another lie about or against them. And when the truth is required of us, we should freely give it, even if it is to our own hurt. When we live and practice the truth, it not only honours God and is honoured by God, it also builds our relationships with each other. Where there is truthfulness, there can be trust, brotherly love, we can stand side by side and worship God together, or partake of the Lord’s Supper as family. Falsehood will destroy all this, bringing disunity, division and even more falsehood, it will breed hate and will destroy individual relationships, family relationships, and church relationships. If we desire to demonstrate our love for God and for each other, if we desire to have lives of trust, love and unity then we need to be people who are truthful.

Father of Truth, we thank You that You are Truth and are truthful in all things, thank You that we can trust and believe all that You say and promise, for You will not lie. We pray that You will help us to be lovers of the truth and to follow in Your footsteps. Help us to learn how destructive falsehood can be, but how beautiful truth, justice and righteousness are. Amen.

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