Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Verse for the Day, 17 September 2014.

Exodus 22:7-9  "If a man gives to his neighbour money or goods to keep safe, and it is stolen from the man's house, then, if the thief is found, he shall pay double.  (8)  If the thief is not found, the owner of the house shall come near to God to show whether or not he has put his hand to his neighbour's property.  (9)  For every breach of trust, whether it is for an ox, for a donkey, for a sheep, for a cloak, or for any kind of lost thing, of which one says, 'This is it,' the case of both parties shall come before God. The one whom God condemns shall pay double to his neighbour.

Much of Exodus 22 has to do with the protection of property from theft, damage or destruction. God gives to the people of Israel the principles, laws and practices that should help them to govern their nation and to ensure that justice is fairly served when the law is transgressed.

If we read through this chapter we see that several of the Ten Commandments form the foundation of this chapter. We see the first commandment, and commandments six through ten. The people of Israel are learning what the upholding, enforcing and wider implications of the law are and what it would look like on a practical level. The Ten Commandments in some respects are quite broad, and require further definition and explanation. God in His grace supplies this additional explanation. From issues dealing with the death of a person in an act of self-defence, to malicious damage of property by means of fire, to the protection of property entrusted to us by our neighbour, to the manner in which we are to use property that we have borrowed, to the treatment of women, the manner in which those who are sorcerers are to be dealt with, to those who are sexually immoral. It is very broad, but also specific. In all these various laws there is call for truthfulness, holiness and the honouring of God. This would mean that the people Israel would seek to discern and understand God’s commandments, and how they should live in light of them. Those who transgress would be dealt with quickly, justly and appropriately. This would lead to a nation that was functioning well, had a good understand of God and His Word, sought to honour God by their obedience and had a strong but fair justice system. It sent out a clear warning to those who sought to defy the law, those who look for ways around it, a means by which they could justify their sinful actions, or to blame it on another person, that God will hold them accountable for their actions.

All these laws and principles are given to us in God’s common grace, and we should be greatly thankful that He has done this. God knows our hearts and He knows how prone we are to sin, how we will look for any and every means to justify or excuse our sin. God also knows how our sin has a wider, detrimental impact on ourselves and those around us, sin often will lead to more sin. Thus God in He grace towards us and so as to restrain our sinfulness gives us these laws to teach us exactly what His law means, how He would have us live and to the know the many blessings of living in obedience to God. Many of these laws may not be in existence in our country, and some might not even apply immediately to us. However, we should not just disregard them, rather we need to study them, understand them, learning what it is that God requires of us now as His children in regards to similar matters. These many be ancient laws, but the truth they teach still stands to this day.

Righteous and Just Father, we thank You for Your law and for the many ways in which You teach us how to understand and apply Your law to our lives. We pray for Your forgiveness, as we are often slow to be obedient, we seek to excuse of justify our sin and fail to walk in holiness. Give us a greater understanding of Your holiness and wisdom, help us to love You, Your law and obedience, so that we might honour You in all of our lives. Amen.

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