Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Verse for the Day, 5 March 2014.

Genesis 12:10-13  Now there was a famine in the land. So Abram went down to Egypt to sojourn there, for the famine was severe in the land.  (11)  When he was about to enter Egypt, he said to Sarai his wife, "I know that you are a woman beautiful in appearance,  (12)  and when the Egyptians see you, they will say, 'This is his wife.' Then they will kill me, but they will let you live.  (13)  Say you are my sister, that it may go well with me because of you, and that my life may be spared for your sake."
On Monday it was mentioned that we could see in Abram’s life the blessings and rewards of trusting God, and the results and consequences of doubting God and relying on ourselves instead. These verses illustrates this very point. Abram and Sarai travel to Egypt out of necessity, there is a great famine and they travel to Egypt to seek food and relief. Abram fears for his life on account of his wife, for she was beautiful in appearance. This statement is quite astounding for not only it is proved true when Sarai is taken by Pharaoh because he saw that she was beautiful, but we must also consider the fact that Sarai was not a young woman in her early twenties! She was in her late sixties, maybe even in her seventies!
When Abram and Sarai made the decision to travel down to Egypt, knowing that Sarai was a woman of exceptional beauty and would thus draw the attention of Pharaoh, they had a choice to make. Would they trust God to protect them or would they take matters into their own hands? Sadly, they took the path of doubting God and self-reliance. The result, what they feared most came to pass, Sarai was taken by Pharaoh. Despite Abram and Sarai’s lack of faith and trust, God doesn’t forsake them, He still shows Himself to be faithful and true to His promises and intervenes, rescuing them both. It comes at a cost, both to Pharaoh, his household and to Abram. Pharaoh and his household are afflicted with plagues and Abram is revealed to have been deceptive and his lies are exposed.
God is revealed as being both just and faithful. The sinful actions of men are exposed and dealt with, but in the midst of that sinfulness God remains faithful, even gracious in sparing Abram and Sarai the full potential consequences of their deceit, doubt and lack of trust in Him. We face many similar situations whereby we are presented with to choice to either trust God, or take matters in to our own hands. We can know that when we do choose to take matters into our own hands and as a result wander in sin, God will deal with the sin, it will be exposed and we will be called to account. In His grace, He doesn’t abandon us, but remains faithful, thus as He exposes our sin and calls us to account, He also holds forth His grace and faithfulness, urging us back to repentance and trust in Him.
Merciful Father, thank You that You are a faithful and enduring God. We acknowledge that so often we take matters into our own hands, many times with disastrous results. We are filled with thankfulness that You intervene and on occasions the results of our sinful actions are not as severe as they could be. We praise You that that in these times You remain faithful and true to Your promises and to us, prompting us by Your Holy Spirit to repentance and to return to trusting You. Help us today when we face various choices and decisions to demonstrate that we trust You and desire to follow Your will  and Your Word. Amen.

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