Thursday, March 27, 2014

Verse for the Day, 27 March 2014.

Genesis 22:1-2  After these things God tested Abraham and said to him, "Abraham!" And he said, "Here I am."  (2)  He said, "Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you."

We can only wonder what Abraham’s first reaction was when he heard these words from God. Yet despite what Abraham may have thought and felt, he obeyed and carried out the command of God. We are taught in Hebrews 11:17-19, that Abraham believed that God would raise Isaac from dead. Abraham had every reason to believe this would be so, for it is the only way in which God would be able to fulfil His covenant and promise to Abraham. God had made it abundantly clear to Abraham that it would be through Isaac that this promise would start to come to fulfilment, there was never any mention of any other child or offspring. Isaac must live, Isaac must go on to father more children, this must happen so that God’s covenant can continue to stand. While Abraham had this understanding that does not mean that it was any easier for Abraham to carry out the command of God. Abraham’s faith and trust in God was being tested to the absolute extreme.

It is all well and good for us to boast of our faith and trust in God when the going is easy; it is all well and good for us to say that we trust in the sovereign plan, purposes, will and works of God when they do not require sacrifice from us. The true measure of our faith and trust in God and in His sovereignty is put to the test and revealed when we are confronted with a very difficult choice, one in which we are presented with the choice to either obey God and trust Him, or to turn away from the will of God and trust in ourselves. These tests are never easy and they require us to take significant steps of faith, at times to be willing to even risk our lives. These tests are not act of cruelty against us, rather God uses these tests to refine and grow our faith and trust. These tests also help us to have greater confidence in the sovereignty of God, knowing that God has planned all things and He knows the beginning from the end. Thus while the test, our future and the outcome is hidden from our sight and unknown to us, it is known to God. When these tests come we need to demonstrate the same faith and trust that men like Abraham did. Despite how we may feel about what God has called upon us to do, despite what fears we may have, we need to trust in God, whom we know is good and is in control. God is faithful, and while He may test His children, He tests them for their good, for their growth and for His glory. He does not abandon them during these tests, or cause them to face it alone without His presence, help, wisdom and strength. The great test for us is if we will walk in obedience and cast ourselves upon God during the test, or if we will try and go it alone, or if we will turn aside from God and disobey Him.

Our Lord and God, there are many times when we do not understand Your sovereign plans and purposes, we find it difficult to obey and follow You, especially when the path that You set before us is a difficult one. We pray that You would strengthen us through Your Spirit and cause our faith and trust in You to grow. Help us to see the infinite wisdom of Your sovereign plans and to then follow You with a faithful obedience, even when it is difficult. Amen.

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