Monday, December 5, 2016

Verse for the Day, 5 December 2016.

Numbers 36:13, “These are the commandments and the rules that the LORD commanded through Moses to the people of Israel in the plains of Moab by the Jordan at Jericho.” (ESV)

We have come to the end of the book of Numbers. This book serves as a summary of the Exodus journey, covering some 40 years. In the course of the book hundreds of thousands of Israelites have died because of their rebellion against God. As this generation died, so a new generation was born and it is they who are now about to enter the land, promised to their parents.

Numbers has its high points, but it also has tragically low points which have deadly consequences. As we leave this book, we need to take note of the key truths that we must learn and apply to our lives, or we shall be no better than the rebellious generation of Israel.

As with Exodus and Leviticus, Numbers continues to highlight the holiness of God, the importance of obedience and faithfulness towards God, as well as the consequences for disobedience. We are shown what a nation can accomplish when it is obedient to God, and what happens to a nation when it rebels against God. The tragic account of Numbers 13 and the great rebellion of the nation serves as a powerful example of man’s collective disobedience.

But it is not just large scale rebellion and disobediences that we observe in Numbers, there are also individual people who rebel, with equally serious consequences. Aaron, Miriam, Korah and his sons, serve as examples for us to learn from, should we allow our pride to get the better of us and lead us into arrogance. It is tragic to see how these individuals thought more highly of themselves than they should have. They relied upon their own wisdom and efforts and trusted in their strength. It is always a dangerous thing to underestimate God’s wisdom, will, holiness, knowledge, power and strength. The truth that comes out loud and clear is, anyone who opposes God will fall.

On the positive side, Numbers reminds us of God’s wonderful and unchanging character. Through the account of Balaam, we are reminded of the truth of God’s sovereignty, and the reality that God’s purposes will always stand. Those whom God has blessed, cannot be cursed by man. God’s long-suffering patience, kindness, mercy and forgiveness are seen in every chapter, as the people of Israel constantly test Him. If God was anything less than what the Scripture tells us He is, the book of Numbers would not have 36 chapters, it would only have one, and it would record the complete destruction and annihilation of the Israelites. Thus, Numbers is a book that speaks of the mercy, patience, faithfulness and love, not of man, but of God.

Therefore, Numbers is a Christ-centred, Gospel-saturated book. We are given a very clear picture of God’s holiness, and man’s sinfulness. The extent of man’s sinfulness, its persistence and hold upon our lives is undeniable and something from which we cannot free ourselves. The extent of God’s holiness, truth, righteousness and justice are equally clear to see and how God responds to our sinful state leaves us with no doubt as to what will become of us because of our sinfulness.

But in the midst of our sinfulness, rebellion, bondage and disobedience, comes God’s patience, mercy, grace and willingness to forgive and redeem. This is pictured for us on multiple occasions, but probably the greatest of all is the bronze serpent in Numbers 21. This event is even referenced by Christ, John 3:14-15, “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.” (ESV)

The Gospel message in Numbers is clear; God is sovereign, holy, righteous, true and just, but mankind is sinful, a rebel and therefore under God’s wrath. However, God is merciful and will forgive those who seek Him with a humble and repentant heart. God has provided redemption through the Passover Lamb, through the One who is lifted up, the Lord Jesus Christ, and all who look to and trust in Him, will be saved.

Our holy, sovereign, righteous, true and just God, we thank You for Your mercy, patience and grace towards us. We confess that we are rebels, disobedient towards You and held in bondage by our sin, deserving of Your eternal judgement. How we adore You for not leaving us in this state, but acting in love so as to redeem us. Thank You for the Lord Jesus Christ, who was lifted up to die for our sake. Thank You for the promise of Your Word, that if we look upon Christ in faith, You will save us. We thank You for this book of Numbers for the truths that it teaches us, and for pointing us once more to our great God and Saviour. May You receive the glory, honour and the highest praise. Amen

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