Number 6:26, “…the LORD lift up
his countenance upon you and give you peace.”
There are occasions in Scripture when we come across words
that have almost disappeared from the English language. The word countenance is
one such word. Not many of us can recall having heard this word used whether in
conversation or in the literature that we read. But it is not just the word
that disappears, its meaning disappears as well. As a result we are uncertain
as to what the word means.
This phrase, “lift up His countenance upon you…”is an
incredibly rich statement. It is probably best to describe this phrase by way
of illustration. When a child is troubled, in difficulty or needs help, what do
they do? They go to, they seek out or even cry out for their father to come to
their aid. How does the father respond? He responds by lifting up his countenance
upon his child. In other words he hears the cry of his child and he responds by
listening to the child’s request and then seeks to answer and work in such a
way that is for the child’s greatest good. Sometimes that help might be painful,
if the child has stood on a thorn, the thorn has to be removed. In helping our
child we have to cause them to feel greater pain for a brief moment, the thorn
has to be taken out, even though the child may object, cry all the louder, or
even refuse, the thorn has to be removed. Once removed the pain is relieved and
healing can begin. On other occasions we in lifting up our countenance upon our
children we will have to say no to their request, for we know it is for their
good. Of course we know that our children are prone to throw a temper tantrum,
sulk or pout when they do not get their own way. Yet how similar we are to them
when God says no to us!
Then there are times when we can say yes to our children and
in joy and delight come to their aid, bringing them relief and joy. But no
matter what the situation may be, we are always willing for our children to
come into our presence, or to ask for help. It is our joy and delight to extend
love, help and comfort to them. Furthermore we accept our children, our
children have confidence to come to us, for they know they are our children,
thus they have that special right which is exclusive, unique to them. They come
not as friends, not as a servant, but as sons or daughters, with full rights
and free access to their parents.
God in His abundant grace towards us promises to lift up His
countenance upon us whenever we call out to Him. Think for a moment of how
wonderful and reassuring this promise is.
The God of the universe, who alone is all-knowing,
all-powerful and all-wise, promises to hear us and not just to hear us but to
then answer us and work for our greatest and highest good. God promises to work
in such a way that will ultimately lead us to a greater joy, deeper peace and a
greater appreciation and understanding of our salvation. God not only hears us
when we cry out to Him, He also invites us to come into His presence with
confidence, knowing that He will receive us with joy and favour. This is why a
child cries out to his father or mother, for he knows they will hear and will
respond favourably, they will receive the child with joy. What hope and
confidence this should give us in our relationship with God! We are invited to
come to Him, we are promised that He will receive us with joy, we will find
favour in His sight and as we call out to Him, He promises to hear, to respond
for our greatest good and lead us to a deeper joy.
How prayer should be a constant delight for us, knowing we
have the Father’s invitation, He lifts up His countenance upon us, He hears, He
responds, He works, He delivers! The people of Israel came to know the truth of
this as they journeyed to the Promised land. On countless occasions they cried
out to God, sometimes with genuine and grateful hearts, but more often with
ungrateful and selfish hearts, yet God was faithful to His promise. He lifted
up His countenance upon them each time responding and working for their good.
As with all the other elements of this promise, this aspect
of it comes to us because of Christ. The Father lifts up His countenance upon
us because we come to Him in the name of Christ, through the work of Christ and
clothed in the righteousness of Christ. Therefore the Father delights in
receiving us and works for our good and joy. What a privilege we have! Let us
therefore be eager to go to prayer, eager to spend time in the Father’s
presence, and rejoice in the goodness and grace that God so faithfully extends
to us.
Our Father, what a joy
it is for us to know that as we call upon You now, so You lift up Your
countenance upon us. You joyfully receive us into Your presence, Your hear our
every prayer and You answer in Your prefect goodness and wisdom, for our
highest good. Thank You that we can come to You in all things, for all things,
with confidence and joy, knowing that we will find You and shall see Your
faithfulness, love, mercy and help once more. Thank You for that great work of
Christ on our behalf that has enabled us, made us to become Your children, full
heirs. To You belongs the highest praise! Amen.
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