Thursday, April 23, 2015

Verse for the Day, 23 April 2015.

Numbers 6:22-27, “The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,  (23)  "Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying, Thus you shall bless the people of Israel: you shall say to them,  (24)  The LORD bless you and keep you;  (25)  the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;  (26)  the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.  (27)  "So shall they put my name upon the people of Israel, and I will bless them."”

This blessing is a blessing that teaches us so much about the character of God, who God is to us, and the many ways in which God bestows His undeserved favour upon us.

When we read this blessing we notice that there is a repetition in it. The LORD, the LORD, the LORD. Why is there this repetition, surely mentioning the LORD once is sufficient, why repeat it three times?

There are two reasons for this repetition. The first being to emphasise that this blessing is not just a general blessing, it is a divine blessing, it is God’s blessing that He is giving to His people. It describes the relationship that God is going to enter into with His people, the special position and privileges they will enjoy as a result of this blessing. Furthermore the various aspects of this blessing, that which is being promised, they can only be truly and fully performed and carried out by God Himself. No man can offer us this kind of blessing, keeping, favour, grace, relationship and peace. It all comes from God, it is a divine, God-centred, God-given, God-fulfilled blessing.

Secondly, it is thought that this three-fold repetition represents the Trinity, to God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit. Whether that was God’s deliberate intention and what He intended us to see when He gave this blessing, we cannot know with certainty. But what we do know is that this blessing definitely points us to the Trinity. How so? All three members of the Trinity are at work in seeking to apply, uphold and fulfil this blessing in our lives. The Father protecting us and prospering the work of our hands, the Son extending the grace and favour of salvation to us, and the Spirit applying the presence and peace of God in our hearts and leading us to prayer. We are witnessing again the depths and wonder of this blessing, all three members of the Trinity at work in our lives so as to fulfil this blessing.

It is tragic that we can become so caught up in the worries of this life, that we forget the incredible ways the Triune God is at work constantly in our lives. We need to remind ourselves that if we are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, then this blessing not only becomes ours, it is also ours every moment of every day, for all eternity! What a wonderful reality! The Triune God is working, daily and for eternity so as to lavish His grace and mercy upon us in this blessing. He will all through this day, and forever more, be at work so as to be blessing and keeping us, shining His favour upon us and extending grace upon grace, upon grace, inviting and receiving us joyfully into His presence and filling us with His abiding and unfailing peace. What goodness and grace we have received from our God, let us rejoice in this today and glorify His great name!

Our great and gracious Triune God we bow in adoration before You today. We stand amazed at the blessing and favour that You bestow upon us, that You, Father, Son and Spirit are constantly at work in our lives. Thank You that because of our salvation in Christ, we know the truth of this blessing now and evermore. Help us not to lose sight of this blessing by being overwhelmed by the worries of this world, or this life. Help us to remember that we have the Triune God at work in us, around us and working for us, for our good, a work and a blessing that will never fail. We thank You once more and praise Your most glorious Name. Amen.

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