Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Verse for the Day, 14 January 2015.

Leviticus 18:24-30  "Do not make yourselves unclean by any of these things, for by all these the nations I am driving out before you have become unclean, (25)  and the land became unclean, so that I punished its iniquity, and the land vomited out its inhabitants. (26)  But you shall keep my statutes and my rules and do none of these abominations, either the native or the stranger who sojourns among you (27) (for the people of the land, who were before you, did all of these abominations, so that the land became unclean), (28) lest the land vomit you out when you make it unclean, as it vomited out the nation that was before you. (29) For everyone who does any of these abominations, the persons who do them shall be cut off from among their people.  (30) So keep my charge never to practice any of these abominable customs that were practiced before you, and never to make yourselves unclean by them: I am the LORD your God."

Leviticus 18 does not make for pleasant or easy reading, as it lists the obscene sexual practices of the nations in and around Canaan. This chapter forbids the people of Israel to engage in any form of sexual immorality, it matters not if it is adultery, incest, bestiality, homosexuality or fornication. All of these sexual practices are unacceptable in God’s sight, in fact they are described as being an abomination in God’s sight. The two question we have to ask is why, why is God so strongly opposed to such sexual practices? And, is God only forbidding the Israelites to engage in such practices, or are these commandments binding upon all mankind?

To answer the first question, the reason why God is so opposed to this is because it is contrary to God’s created order and it brings humanity into compromise, conflict, division and demise. When such sins take place the impact upon the family unit, the community and mankind as a whole is vast. Families are destroyed, communities divided and the world in a state of unrest, envy, jealousy, lust, hate and strife. Secondly, God is opposed to such sexual sins because it violates the holy and sacred institution and covenant of marriage. God ordained that marriage was to be between man and woman, it was to be exclusive, unique and permanent. It was to be regarded as most sacred, a vow, a covenant that was to be upheld and protected, with both husband and wife committing themselves to remaining faithful to each other for the remainder of their lives. Sadly, we are all too aware of the devastating consequences of sexual sin in marriage. When such sexual sins take place, it is a complete violation of God’s plan and purpose for marriage and is to break our covenant with God and with our spouse. Thirdly, God is opposed to such sins because they are contrary to commands of God given to mankind at the beginning. Adam and Eve are told to subdue and fill the earth, to multiply and increase, and it is important for us to note that they are given this commandment within the context of marriage. In many of the sins detailed in this chapter obedience to such a command is completely impossible. (Of course this does not apply to the case of a husband and wife that are not able to have children due to various biological or physical reasons.) God is forbidding any form of sexual practice or relationship outside of marriage and outside of the created order, purposes and will of God. To commit these sins is to violate God, His character, His created order and purpose for us, it is to destroy marriage, the family unit and society as a whole. Should Israel engage in such practices it will destroy their nation and it will bring them under the severe judgement and punishment of God.

The second question, is God only forbidding the Israelites to engage in such practices, or are these commandments binding upon all mankind? The answer is made clear by the context. God tells the people of Israel that it is because of these very sins that He is acting in judgement and punishment against the other nations. Strong language is used, we are told the land had vomited them out. Furthermore God states that such practices are forbidden for both the native and the foreigner, it is forbidden for all peoples, with the instruction given that regardless of who the person is, where they live or their nationality, anyone who practices these sins is to be cut off from their own people. The purpose of such a severe action is so that these people might know what the consequences of their actions are, that they might understand that to act in such a manner is to bring the whole nation into compromise and danger. These commandments are not just for Israel, they are for all mankind, for God is the God of all and the God over all, therefore God’s words, will, purposes, plans and commandments are binding upon all.

We live in a sexual perverse time, whereby society appears to condone just about every form of sexual immorality. Though many state that this has brought freedom and “happiness” to everyone, we have to ask at what cost? Are we not witnessing the consequences of such sinfulness in the world around us, even in our own country? As Christians we need to not only take a stand against such sinfulness, we also need to lead by example. It is tragic that divorce rates and sexual sin are as rife in the church as it is outside of the church. This should not be so! As Christians we should be those who seek to uphold the God-ordained virtues and purposes of marriage. We should be displaying to the world the great benefits and blessings that come through marital and sexual faithfulness, that it truly is God’s good, prosperous and blessed design for us. We also need to guard ourselves, physically, mentally and emotionally from falling into sexual temptation, as it so often starts with a small compromise. We are called to be God’s ambassadors, to live in a manner worthy of the Gospel, and to be a shining light to the world around us. Let us strive after this, by seeking first to walk in holiness and purity before God, and then by praying for and seeking to reach others with the Gospel of Christ. No amount of protests, or strong public arguments are going to effectively change our world, only God can change the heart and the mind. Therefore instead of displaying hate, anger, opposition or prejudice against those who practice such sexual sin, let us give ourselves to earnest prayer for God to work in power so as to change the hearts of sinful men and women, and let us seek to reach them with the Gospel.

Merciful God, we plead and pray for Your mercy to be poured out upon our community, country and world. How great must be the wrath stored up against us because of our constant sinfulness, sins that are an abomination in Your sight, sins that show how we have completely disregarded Your wise and good commands, will, purposes and designs. We pray that You would cause us to realise the foolishness of our ways, and to repent of them, return to You and to follow after Christ. May You keep us who are already Yours, from such sins and may we be diligent in seeking to keep ourselves pure and to honour You in all things. Once more we ask for mercy and grace to be poured out. Amen.

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