Exodus 34:5-8, “The LORD descended in the
cloud and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the LORD. (6)
The LORD passed before him and proclaimed, "The LORD, the LORD, a
God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and
faithfulness, (7) keeping steadfast love for thousands,
forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear
the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the
children's children, to the third and the fourth generation." (8)
And Moses quickly bowed his head toward the earth and worshiped.”
Once more we are being shown the unique privileges that Moses was
blessed with by God, and of all the privileges this must have been one of the
greatest. Moses is given the fullest glimpse of God’s glory ever beheld by man,
and hears God proclaiming His name and His character.
This unique moment gives us further insight into God, His nature and
His desire. These verses are God’s description of Himself, they are not written
or stated by a man describing God, this is God describing Himself. Of all the
things that God could have said of Himself, why is it that He chooses to focus
on His mercy, grace, patience, love, faithfulness and His justice? This
description of God helps us to understand who God is towards us, and that God
desires for us to be in relationship with Him. God expresses these attributes
and characteristic to their fullest measure to us. No other creature in
creation enjoys or receives them to the extent that we do. The reason as to why
this is, is that God created us for Himself, so that we might know Him, live
with Him, have a relationship with Him and bring glory and honour to Him, through
our willing worship of Him. The people of Israel certainly knew the truth of
all these attributes during the time of the Exodus, God had shown Himself to be
all of these in an abundant measure.
Moses’ response to the glory of God and the hearing of God’s
description of Himself, is the only appropriate response, to bow with his face
to the ground and worship God. Moses realises how unworthy, insignificant and
sinful he is, and bows seeking to acknowledge the greatness of God.
Whilst the people of Israel knew the truth of God in this manner, we
who are believers in Jesus Christ have received it in an even greater measure.
In Christ we have seen the fullness of God’s mercy, grace, patience, love,
faithfulness and justice. In fact we have not just seen it, we know it and experience
it every single day. God has revealed to us His glory in and through Christ, a
glory that we have come to know, love and treasure. God has drawn us closer to
Himself, than Moses was to God on that mountain, for God now lives within us
through His Holy Spirit. We also have the joy of knowing that one day we shall
gaze upon the full glory of God and not have to hide in a cleft of a rock. Our
response to this should not be that of Israel’s response, they presumed upon
this working and character of God, took it for granted and put it to the test
with their constant sinfulness. Instead, our response should be that of Moses,
we should bow before God in worship, not just once, but on a daily basis,
because every day God is this God to us, to a measure and extent that we do not
fully grasp or appreciate. We need to rejoice in all that which God is to us,
what He has done for us and what we shall one day enjoy because of who He is.
Exalted God we give thanks and praise to
You today for the mercy, grace, patience, love and faithfulness that You lavish
upon us day after day. Thank You that in Your justice our sin has been dealt
with by Christ, and now we have the hope of seeing You in all Your glory. Help
us to respond by worshipping You with all that we are. Keep us from taking all
that which we have received from You for granted, may we honour Your name
through our lives. Amen
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