Friday, April 25, 2014

Verse for the Day, 25 April 2014.

Genesis 33:1-11  And Jacob lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, Esau was coming, and four hundred men with him. So he divided the children among Leah and Rachel and the two female servants.  (2)  And he put the servants with their children in front, then Leah with her children, and Rachel and Joseph last of all.  (3)  He himself went on before them, bowing himself to the ground seven times, until he came near to his brother.  (4)  But Esau ran to meet him and embraced him and fell on his neck and kissed him, and they wept.
The moment that Jacob feared finally comes to pass. He looks and sees Esau approaching him with some four hundred men, how his heart must have been in turmoil and great fear. Jacob must now come face to face with his brother, the one from whom he stole the blessing from. Jacob seeks to make his respect and honour for his brother known by bowing repeatedly as they approach each other. I don’t believe that Jacob expected the response that he received from Esau. It is a beautiful picture, two estranged brothers who parted in anger are now reconciled. Esau runs, embraces and kisses his brother, both of them weeping. They both rejoice in each others prosperity, the manner in which God has blessed them both and even extend kindness, consideration and love towards each other.
This event in Jacob’s life must have served as a powerful and memorable lesson. God had promised many things to Jacob, and now God has brought them to fulfilment. Jacob is in the Promised Land with a large family, great wealth, and God had protected and preserved his life for Jacob and Esau are now reconciled. God had been with Jacob from the day he left Canaan, until he returned to Canaan. The promises, blessings and covenant proved to be true and God proved to be faithful, sovereign and powerful. What a day of joy this must have been!
This passage of Scripture also serves to point us to Christ and the grace we shall receive when we seek to reconciled to God through Him. Like Jacob, we too can come to God in humility, seeking after God’s forgiveness and desiring to see Him honoured and we shall find God’s favour. These verses remind us of the parable of the Prodigal son in Luke 15. The father runs to embrace his wayward, sinful, estranged son, forgiveness is given, there is a reconciliation and restoration. It is a wonderful picture of the Gospel, for in the Gospel it is not two men, two brothers that are reconciled, it is greater, for it is the reconciliation of God and man, which brings us into fellowship with God, into brotherhood with Christ and the fear of God’s judgement against our sin becomes the joy of receiving God’s favour and adoption.
Heavenly Father, we rejoice today in the fact that You are a God who loves peace, who desires to see men extending grace, love and forgiveness to one another, not holding on the past hurts, but seeking to be reconciled to each other. We thank You that You have set the example in this regard, for You have established a reconciliation for us, that there might be peace and fellowship between God and man. We worship You for the grace, love, forgiveness and salvation that You have extend to us through the Lord Jesus Christ. May You receive all of our praise and adoration today for You are our faithful, loving, gracious, promise-keeping, peace-making God and Saviour. Amen.

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