Monday, January 23, 2017

Verse for the Day, 23 January 2017

Deuteronomy 4:5-9, See, I have taught you statutes and rules, as the LORD my God commanded me, that you should do them in the land that you are entering to take possession of it.  (6)  Keep them and do them, for that will be your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples, who, when they hear all these statutes, will say, 'Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.'  (7)  For what great nation is there that has a god so near to it as the LORD our God is to us, whenever we call upon him?  (8)  And what great nation is there, that has statutes and rules so righteous as all this law that I set before you today?  (9)  "Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children's children

Deuteronomy 4 leads us into the restating of the Law that God first gave to their parents at Mount Sinai. This chapter serves as an introduction to the Law, it speaks of the benefits that come with keeping the Law and emphasises the importance of certain commands, particularly idolatry.

In verses 5-9, we have both instruction and encouragement. Firstly, Moses urges, implores the people of Israel to keep, observe and obey all of God’s commands. The Israelites were not much different to us, they found laws burdensome and obedience tiresome. Observing God’s Law, having it as their chief delight and desire was much easier said than done. Like us, they needed constant reminding, encouragement and motivation to obey and do God’s Law.

Therefore, after having instructed the people to keep God’s Law, Moses then offers them encouragement and motivation. Moses encourages them on personal, national and family levels.

For each individual Israelite, the encouragement is that by keeping and doing God’s Law, it will lead them into wisdom, understanding, admiration and respect. On a national level, should Israel keep and obey God’s Law, the world will take notice. They will respect and admire the nation of Israel. In fact, it will cause them to look at their own nation, their own lives and even their own gods, and begin to question why it is that they lack what the Israelites have. What is wrong with them and with their god, that what they have is inferior? On a family level, Moses encourages them by stating that through keeping and doing God’s law it will be for the good of their family, it will give their children wisdom and understanding, and will bring them life under God’s blessing.

We have the habit of looking at God’s Law in a negative manner. Negative, because it highlights how far short we fall of it, and because it is hard to observe and keep God’s Law, especially when it means we have to deny ourselves some form of pleasure. Thus, we tempted to see the Law as a kill-joy, there to prevent anyone from having fun. Yet the Law is nothing like this. We need to remind ourselves that God’s Law is perfect, holy, just, good and right, therefore it is the best possible law we could ever want or have. The design of the Law is for our highest good and God’s greatest glory. When we obey God’s Law, God is glorified and honoured by us and by the world, and therefore, we receive blessings from God for our obedience. We see this attitude in the life of Christ, He never gave the impression that God’s Law was burdensome or tiresome. He took delight in it, it was His joy to live in complete obedience to it, upholding, fulfilling and teaching it at every opportunity. The result was that God was glorified and the whole world has received and continues to receive the blessings of Christ’s obedience. It is clear to see that Christ sets the example for us in this regards.

As Christians, we are saved from being under the curse of the Law and have been set free by Christ. However, this doesn’t mean that we can throw the Law away and ignore it. Not even Jesus did that! Jesus upheld and kept the Law perfectly, not because it is a means of salvation, but because obeying God’s Law, is to do the will of God. Obedience brings glory and honour to God. Our obedience to Christ and the Gospel is the primary means of bringing glory and honour to God. Having submitted to Christ, we are then to walk in the footsteps of Christ, we are to follow the example of Christ. What did Christ do? He observed, upheld, kept and obey God’s Word, God’s Law with a faultless perfection and with joyful obedience. Yes, we may be in Christ, and out from underneath the curse of the Law, but that doesn’t mean we are now outside of the Law, that we can now live our lives apart from the Law. God’s Law is perfect, holy, just, good and right and we should follow Christ by considering it our delight and joy to do it. Furthermore, in obeying God’s Law, we also have the promise of gaining wisdom, understanding and life, whilst causing the world to see the truth and glory of God.

Lord God, we thank You for Your perfect, holy, just, good and right laws which You gave to us in Your love for us. Thank You that through Your Law we can gain wisdom, understanding and life. May it truly be our joy and the desire of our hearts to observe and obey it. Forgive us for the many times that we have kicked against it, refused to do it, or thought of it as cruel. May we follow the example of our Saviour, God the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Help us by means of Your Spirit, to hold fast to the grace and salvation that is our through Christ and to show ourselves to be true children of God through our obedience. Grant us the grace and strength to do this all for Your glory. Amen.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Verse for the Day, 16 January 2017.

Deuteronomy 3:24, “'O Lord GOD, you have only begun to show your servant your greatness and your mighty hand. For what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do such works and mighty acts as yours?” (ESV)

This is an incredible statement made by Moses, that reveals to us God’s infinite nature, the fact that God cannot be fully known by us.

Moses occupies a very unique place in Scripture, for he enjoyed a relationship with God that no other man before or since has known. He witnessed God’s glory, power and working in numerous ways, and was allowed to stand in God’s presence longer than any other. We are told in Exodus 33:11, Thus the LORD used to speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend.Moses is the only man to have ever seen a glimpse of God’s glory, in the flesh, other men who were privileged to see it, witnessed it only in dreams or visions. If there was ever a man who could say he knew God, it was Moses. If we wanted to know who God was, what God was like, Moses would be the first person we would ask.

However, after having enjoyed this incredible, close and unique relationship with God for over 40 years, Moses makes this astonishing statement, O Lord GOD, you have only begun to show your servant your greatness and your mighty hand. Moses regards all that which he has witnessed, known and enjoyed with regards to God over the past 40 years as being just the beginning. To use a modern expression, Moses might have said, “O Lord God, you have only shown me the tip of the iceberg!” Moses understands that despite having such a unique relationship with God, he could never presume to know God. If anything, Moses has learned that God is beyond human knowledge, beyond our ability to comprehend, and we can never say that we know, understand and comprehend God entirely. Not even after a million years of living with God in His immediate presence will we be able to say we know God. He truly is greater than we can imagine!

Many of us are uncomfortable when we cannot know or understand something completely, we don’t like mystery! This is one of the reasons as to why idolatry appeals to us, because it enables us to define who and what our god is. We can put this god in a box, set its limitations, characteristics and abilities. But when it comes to a god we cannot know, or dictate to, we suddenly become suspicious and would rather try to explain away such a god, or demand that this god make themselves fully known. Such thinking and attitude shows just how audacious, arrogant and proud we have become in our sinfulness. The question we need to ask ourselves is, ‘Would God still be God, if He could be completely, entirely known, understood, explained and defined by us?’ And, ‘If God could, then would that not show us to be greater than God, for we are capable of knowing and understanding the one who is supposed to be the very highest and greatest?’ Our desire to do away with the mystery and the unknown, to be able to know, understand, define and explain God, or demand that God make Himself completely known is motivated by our pride and the desire to exalt ourselves above God.

Instead of wanting to know all there is to know about God, wanting to define Him, we should adopt the attitude and understanding of Moses. We should rejoice in the fact that our God is so much greater than us, to the point that He is infinite. We should rejoice that when we think we have learned all we can about God, we quickly discover that there is still more to learn, know, experience and understand. God is inexhaustible!

For those of us who are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, this God is our God, this God has become our Father, Saviour and Friend. Our joy should be inexpressible as we come to understand that all which we now know about God and enjoy from God’s hand is but the beginning. We have had a small foretaste, a tiny glimpse of who God is, and the day will soon come when we will see God, know God and experience God in a manner that is beyond the ability of our sinful and finite minds to grasp. How encouraging to know that our rich, deep, joy-filled, personal relationship we have with God through Christ, has only just begun, there is more, much, much more to come. To God be the glory!

Our infinite, unsearchable, inexhaustible God, how we worship and adore You today. Thank You that You are higher than the highest heaven, that You are above, beyond and greater than anything else in all creation. Thank You that You cannot be but in a box, defined and restricted. We also thank You that as great as You are, You have made Yourself known to us, You have called us to know, love and serve You. Thank you that You have made this possible for us through Christ. Thank You that when we spend our lives seeking to know, love and serve You, we shall have the richest, the most blessed of lives, and it will be but the beginning. How we pray that You might grant us that same heart, mind, life and attitude of Moses. We glorify and exalt You today, our great and glorious God. Amen.